Pilates fitness is the leading exercise for those who want strong, toned bodies and peak flexibility. Envisioned by Joseph Pilates and taught as early as the 1920s, this fitness method focused on muscle pliability and range of motion. Today, more than eleven million people worldwide practice Pilates. Narrow down the demographic to the small region of the western United States and people will find a unique group of instructors teaching Pilates Colorado Style.

Pilates in Colroado

What is so different about Pilates in Colorado? Breathing is key. Denver, starting at an altitude of one mile high can be a shock for many visitors. Walking around short of breath, some people think they are ill, but what they are experiencing is scarcity of oxygen. As people travel upward, into the Rocky Mountain Front Range, the thin air becomes more scarce, and in that environment, breathing is key. Nothing could blend with Pilates better, however.

Practicing Pilates with the specialized instructors at Personal Pilates Plus, helps people to develop strong lungs, limber muscles and better breathing practice. Joseph Pilates is quoted as having said, “It’s the mind that controls the muscles,” and it is muscles that control the lungs. Living a mile high, it is important to practice healthy deep breathing and to stretch the muscles for maximum oxygen intake. Up where the air is crisp and the outdoors beckon, practicing strength training that is relevant is a must. That is why, in Colorado Pilates fitness is the best exercise to prepare people for the other exercise they love to do: explore the wilderness.